
Teaching Reflections

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: Released! The only course on CSS Grid you’ll ever need, today from Frontend Masters. Includes …

: The only two things you get out of academia or bootcamp Whether you’re learning how to code at a bootcamp or through academia, there are only two …

: Indeed.com and scammers The scammers are getting really good. I’ve been looking for a job for quite a while. And this …

: Goodbye Molly. Molly passed away yesterday. Here’s my Molly story. I started to learn CSS in 2003, when Eric …

: HTML is the hardest language to master An observation seen on Mastodon: My responses: Except for perhaps you and me, no one really teaches …

: Flexbox Froggy is a horrible way to learn Flexbox Interactions on discussion boards hundreds of times a day… Flexbox Froggy is not a good way …

: 2021 retrospective Time for the 2021 retrospective on what was accomplished this year. To what may we point as evidence …

: Day 3: Expert placement of equipment Today’s work took about 2 1/2 hours. Because the equipment was out of the box, we spent the …

: Day 2: Unboxing and general setup Sunday afternoon fun – unpacking for tomorrow’s tech check and configuration. Dining …

: Day 1: What does it take to put together a live action course? I’ll be recording a live action course with LinkedIn Learning from November 29 to December 3. …

: Presentation: 5 best steps to effective planning for your no-code website or app 🚿 [Worksheets] …

: Upcoming talk at No-Code Conf Five Steps to Plan Your No-Code Website or App How often do you get distracted by the latest no-code …

: Happy 20th Anniversary, Marlboro College ISM Class of 2001 Twenty years ago, Barbara Hall and I (among many others) graduated from The Graduate Center at …

: Tell students what isn't important to worry about in the assignment Instructor labels – Green circle = the assignment Gray circle = what students think is …

: I'm back! #30DaysofHTML ended 2 weeks ago. My last teaching semester at Harvard ended yesterday. In my …

: How to make HTML exciting again Today I received the best compliment on my #30DaysofHTML course, even before it launches. I don't …

: #30DaysofHTML starts today! There’s still time to (free) [register] …

: Star ratings in Substack - grading the reader, not the writer [Interesting Substack feature] …

: Expand your HTML game in 30 days. There’s a world beyond < p >, < a >, and < div > What is 30 Days of HTML? …

: Teaching Reflections #13: Professor as a bad video-maker This week’s reading: [Academics aren’t content creators, and it’s regressive to make them so] …

: Upcoming Frontend Masters workshops in August and October I have planned my first trip in over a year, pending my full vaccination… which looks …

: New LinkedIn Learning course release: HTML and CSS Linking [HTML and CSS: Linking] (https://www.linkedin.com/learning/html-and-css-linking) Hyperlinks are the …

: Year One Pandemic Reflections What was happening on March 6, 2020, one year ago today? I was preparing for a 3-leg trip from …

: Teaching reflections #12: Paint-by-number as mental model Remember paint-by-number as a kid? There was a black and white drawing of something, sprinkled with …

: Teaching reflections #11: The turn-in sheet In recent years, I’ve started creating “turn-in sheets” with my assignments in …

: A video is not a course I’ve created “courses” at LinkedIn Learning since 2008, when the company was …

: Teaching reflections #10: The same material must be re-discovered across disciplines If I had to describe my [T-shaped skills] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-shaped_skills), I’d …

: Teaching reflections #9: Cross-discipline sharing is where it's at I was speaking with an English professor the other day. She was discussing how online teaching has …

: Humanistic elements in education Below is a recent thread about what makes a good online course. Click through to read the whole …

: You don't have to save it all. From the recent [interview with Lynda Weinman] …

: When teachers make mistakes, it's a learning moment for everyone Recently, I attended an excellent [interview with Lynda Weinman] …

: Why do we assume a redesign every 2-3 years? In all the web design meetings I've been in over the years, I don't think I've ever …

: Teaching Reflections #8: Good coding instructors are rare. Here's why. One of the great outcomes of studying instructional design from a theoretical perspective is the …


: [13 no-code apps to watch in 2021] (https://www.ycode.com/blog/13-no-code-apps-to-watch-in-2021) …

: Software is Scholarship [Software is Scholarship] (https://law.mit.edu/pub/softwareisscholarship/release/1) By transforming …

: Teaching reflections #7: Helping students choose engaging projects A capstone project should be balanced like the quintessential American meal: meaty main course, …

: Teaching reflections #6: Grading rubrics and capstone Capstone projects are all unique. Harvard’s digital media capstone projects are all over the …

: Teaching reflections #5: Identifying projects in capstone Master’s degree programs generally have one of two endings. Either students write a thesis, or …

: Teaching reflections #4: Teaching risk in capstone projects After 20 years of teaching in academia, I’ve coached many capstone projects. Part of the …

: Teaching reflections #3: Making mistakes when teaching Mistakes happen. I’ve certainly made my share. However, instructors FREAK OUT when they make …

: Teaching Reflections #2: Taking risks in assignments and learning Next time you’re afraid to share your ideas, remember someone once said in a meeting, …

: Teaching reflections: Introduction I’ve taught for 20 years in academia. I’ve been a teaching assistant, an adjunct …

: The Box It’s in Squarespace, Wix, Microblog, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Softr, Gumroad, Teachable, …

: The Long Tail and Higher Ed I keep waiting for the day when higher ed discovers [The Long Tail] …

: Why I love Softr.io [Donald Miller of Storybrand: How to Strategically Lay Out an Effective Home Page] …

: [Why Tailwind Isn’t for Me] (https://dev.to/jaredcwhite/why-tailwind-isn-t-for-me-5c90) I …

: Sea Shanties, PS Folk music seems to rotate in recent history. It was a big thing in the 60s, of course. The …

: Why sea shanties are taking over the internet this week As a longtime musician, I’ve been fascinated watching sea shanties take over the internet this …

: When CSS doesn't work the way you expect, you should break it with JavaScript. [Why not bring back spacer GIFs?] (https://www.joshwcomeau.com/react/modern-spacer-gif/) Josh …

: More tips for teaching technology Two approaches to teaching tech: a. Teach the button-clicking in the tool b. Teach problem-solving …

: Future topics for teaching how to teach technology Button-clicking help files vs. frameworks for thinking about problems that need solving. …

: JenKramer.org site redesign in progress My [JenKramer.org] (https://www.jenkramer.org) website has been embarrassing for years now. I have …

: So great to learn the theory of teaching, not just how to do it.

: Latest studio photo.

: The glass desk is good for being on camera. The mouse doesn't work without a mousepad, though, so I …

: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome [Imposter Syndrome] (https://www.apa.org/gradpsych/2013/11/fraud) is an extreme form of …

: The Non-Designer's Design Book, summarized (from Twitter) Design is a load of CRAP: Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity Following rules = …

: Mental models are at the root of all teaching and learning. [Jakob Nielsen] (https://www.nngroup.com/articles/mental-models/) defines mental models from a UX …

: In technology, good tutorials are almost non-existent. Indeed, in the no-code space, the tools focus …

: Rethinking teaching life as artist life There are plenty of artists making a living by creating art. Let’s define “art” …

: The hardest part in starting a new initiative is figuring out where to start. Sometimes it’s best to simply move forward with something and reset the goal as you move …

: Foundations of a good conference talk In non-pandemic times, I speak at a lot of conferences. While there, I attend talks. There are two …

: The fundamental formula to teaching code. Here it is, in four easy steps: Statement of problem encountered; brief, high-level description of …

: So why teach? I teach because I want to make the web a better place. I want everyone to have a voice. I …

: When teaching, you're the guide, not the hero. (As always, my world is front-end web development. These are observations made after watching …

: Creating a home studio Super proud of how my studio is coming along. I never thought I’d have a home recording …

: Redesigning with softr.io and Airtable Sidebar Preamble My [current website] (https://www.jenkramer.org) is a total embarrassment. …

: Redesigning jenkramer.org: an exercise The state of jenkramer.org is pretty horrible. I redesigned this site in 2014 using Bootstrap 3, …

: There's an awful lot of code in no-code Code -> no code: Authenticated - logged in Margin - spacing outside Padding - spacing inside …

: Setting Goals and Value Proposition: Formulas Setting Goals For people who believe _____, who want ____, my work creates ______. Seth Godin …

: No-code links Tools mentioned in a December 3 networking event… www.glideapps.com www.adalo.com …

: As low-code and no-code approaches rise, developers brace for new challenges [‘People rapidly create things, rapidly deploy things and rapidly regret things. Each …

: Is No-Code Going To Steal Your Job? [Spoiler alert: No.] …

: Web app builders [Ycode] (https://www.ycode.com/) [Bubble] (https://bubble.io/)

: [Descript] (https://www.descript.com/) for video editing, automatic transcripts, um removal

: [Notion Advent Calendar] …

: [Nice list of no-code tools by category] …

: Website builders without code *Ones I know well: * 🔹 Squarespace 🔹 Wix (wizard version) 🔹 WordPress (.org, .com) (also debatable …