Jen Kramer: HTML, CSS, No-Code Technology.

Why I love

[Donald Miller of Storybrand: How to Strategically Lay Out an Effective Home Page] (

Great advice on how to lay out a home page, but so many people get hung up on the design details.

In about 30 minutes, I built out a template based on his description in his article: [] (

And it’s a breeze to jump in and make changes with Softr, even if you don’t know the software.

This is an example of transferrance, one of the largest challenges in teaching technology. Miller wrote an amazing article with text descriptions of what the website should include. Softr has a great tool that reflects all of those descriptions. But putting these two things together is a bit more difficult for many people. By providing an example like this, the concepts become more tangible to learners.

Jen Kramer @jen4web